Agente a Norte works since 2014 and was founded by Diana Roquette and Marta Lima, being an actor representation agency and an audiovisual producer.
We are based in the north of Portugal, in Porto, where we are originally from.
Our main mission is to boost audiovisual production in Portugal, with a main focus on the north of the country.
We have experience in several areas of activity, but the most distinctive are:
- Actors and extras agency for advertising;
- Casting services;
- Production and management in projects for TV and Cinema (self production and provision of services);
- Production and management of projects from photography to performing arts (theatre, dance, multidisciplinary).
As main characteristics, we highlight transparency and the desire to embrace new projects as if they were the first, with total commitment and enthusiasm.
A.Norte Team
Partner / Head manager: Diana Roquette
Casting direction: Cláudia Gomes
Intern: Susana Brandão
Partner / Head manager: Marta Lima
Production manager: Sara Marques
Production secretary: Inês Jonas
Accounting: Óscar Pessegueiro
Agency + Producer

Diana Roquette
Partner / Head manager
Diana Roquette was born in 1960 in Lisbon and has lived in Oporto since 1962. She began her professional career at the extinct production company Miragem where she produced numerous television programs, including “Doutores e Engenheiros”, “Despedida de Solteiro”, “Clube dos Totalistas” and “Ligações Perigosas”.
From 1998 onwards, she collaborated with the extinct NBP in the production of soap operas such as “A Lenda da Garça” (RTP), “Ganância” (SIC), “Olhos d'Água” (TVI), “Último Beijo” (TVI) and “Olhar da Serpente” (SIC).
She also collaborated with Nova Imagem and Show Off in the production of numerous advertising films. She took on the role of head manager at Filbox, where she produced several television programs for NTV and from 2003 at LT-Studios.
She has worked as a casting director since 2010.
In 2014 she created Agente a Norte with Marta Lima.
In 2017 she took over the production of the fictional documentaries “A Sibila do Paço”, “Emma e o Prato de Figos” and “Fanny e a Melancolia” (2017), directed by Adriano Nazareth for the Círculo Literário Agustina Bessa-Luís.
In 2022 she premiered the short film “As Estações da Vida-Vento de Desordem” (2020), directed by Tomás Baltazar for the Círculo Literário Agustina Bessa-Luís, also as head manager and executive producer.

Cláudia Gomes
Casting direction
Cláudia Gomes é atriz, marionetista e produtora.
Licenciou-se em Teatro – variante Interpretação, na ESMAE em 2016. Durante esse período fez Erasmus na Arts Academy – Turku University of Applied Sciences, Turku, Finlândia – curso de Marionetas. Está a desenvolver um dos seus projetos de investigação – uma marioneta de escala humana manipulada por fios.
She debuted in 2021, as co-director, her first stopmotion animation short film - “Nata Desta Vida”.
Em 2022 , em contexto do curso Nebulosa, filmou a sua primeira curta-metragem em película – “Enquanto Há Luz”.
Trabalha pontualmente como Assistente/Directora de Arte em alguns projectos.
Atualmente trabalha como Directora de Casting, Booker e Atriz na Agente a Norte.

Susana Brandão
Casting direction
Susana Brandão (1994) iniciou a sua formação como atriz no Porto, na ACE, tendo terminado esse seu percurso no ano 2013 com a Prova de Aptidão Profissional encenado por Rodrigo Santos. Em 2017 terminou a sua licenciatura pela ESTC em Lisboa, também como intérprete e apresentou o espetáculo “Sul” no Teatro Maria Matos com a companhia El Niño Proletário na conclusão da mesma. Juntou-se à companhia Teatro Ebasko em 2018 na concretização do espetáculo “Ra.ME Le Radici Del Mediterraneo” que teve lugar na vila Melissa, sul de Itália. Trabalhou na produção do Festival “Moita Mostra – Encontro de Artes em Meio Rural” nos anos 2017 e 2018. Co-criou com Maria Luís Cardoso a performance “Inércia” (Festival Entre Cidades, 2021). Recente Mestre em Gestão de Indústrias Criativas na Universidade Católica do Porto, tendo trabalhado como produtora na Cosmic Burger – Associação. Encontra-se de momento na Agente a Norte, a trabalhar na Agente a Norte, a desempenhar funções no âmbito da produção, agenciamento de atores e direção de casting. Integrou o elenco e fez produção executiva em “Treat Your Self!” de Maria Luís Cardoso, uma co-produção com o Theatro Circo.

Marta Lima
Partner / Head manager
Marta Lima, born in Porto in 1977, has a degree in Sound and Image from the Catholic University of Porto. She is currently attending a degree in Fine Arts at the Faculty of Fine Arts of Porto, in Painting.
In 2014, together with Diana Roquette, she founded the talents agency and production house Agente a Norte, based in the city of Porto.
In the area of audiovisual production for TV, as a head manager, she highlights the fiction series “Vidago Palace”, “Dentro” and “Mulheres de Abril”, broadcast in Portugal by RTP and produced by HOP!Filmes.
In animation cinema, highlights include “Amélia & Duarte” by Alice Eça Guimarães and Mónica Santos and “Ride” by Paul Bush, both international co-productions by Ciclope Filmes of the producer Abi Feijó.
Between 2012 and 2022 she joined the contemporary theater company, ASséDIO – Associação de Ideias Obscuras, producing all their projects.
In 2022 she co-wrote and directed the theater play “Luta ou Fuga”.
In 2023, as a producer, she premiered “The Damned Yard” by André Gil Mata, a co-production between Primeira Idade, Agente a Norte and Rua Escura.
She is currently doing the post-production of the feature film by André Gil Mata, “The Flame of the Candle”, an international co-production between Rua Escura (PT) and So-Cle (FR).
She is currently developing films by André Gil Mata, Pedro M Afonso, José Freitas and pre-producing “Terra Vil” by Luís Campos.

Sara Marques
Production manager
Sara Marques graduated in Communication Sciences, with a specialization in Journalism, from the Faculty of Arts and Humanities from University of Porto. More recently, she finished her Masters in Audiovisual Communication, in Photography and Documentary Cinema.
In her professional career, she worked at Rádio Renascença, Canal Superior and Auditorio de Espinho. In the cinema area, she was part of the production team of some short films and documentaries, namely the feature film “Sob a Chama da Candeia”, by André Gil Mata, in the post-production phase, the short film “Campos Belos”, by David Ferreira.
In the area of performing arts, she has worked with companies such as Assédio Teatro and Musgo.
Currently, she is part of the production team at Agente a Norte. She also works regularly with the choreographer Ana Isabel Castro.

Inês Jonas
Production secretary
Born in the city of Porto and graduated in 2018 from School of Media Arts and Design with a specialization in video and cinema. She distinguished herself on the national cinema circuit for producing the short films Ruptura (2018), Johnny White (2021), Fora de Jogo (2021), 2020: Odisseia no 3º Esquerdo (2022) and Oblívio (2021), selected for dozens of festivals and winner of awards in national and international festivals, such as MotelX or the Sophia Awards from the Portuguese Cinema Academy. She has participated in productions by the producers Filmesdamente and Rua Escura, and is currently part of the production team at Agente a Norte.